2 Scots Guards Operation Instruction No. 1
Operation PANTHER
1. Enemy - As shown on map by Intelligence Officer.
2. Own Troops - As described by Commanding Officer.
3. Additional -
2 Troop 10 Commando will come under command 201 Guards Brigade
In support 156 Field Regiment.
One company 7 Cheshires.
227 Anti-Tank Battery (6 X 4.2-inch Mortars)
4. Intention - 2 Scots guards will seize and hold Castellonorato (7397).
5. Method
Phase 1. Move to assembly area Minturno.
Commanding Officer, Intelligence Officer and Assistant Signals Officer will move independently in Commanding Officer’s Jeep accompanied by two despatch riders to HQ 5 Division at Carano 9289 to be there by 1000 hrs D + 1.
Motor Transport Officer will arrange for two despatch riders to report to Officers Mess with rations, blankets and small kit at 0900 hrs.
6. Main Body
(a) No move before 1200 hrs D + 1.
(b) Vehicle Strength - F Echelon will be limited to 39 vehicles forward of assembly area Cellole.
Anti-tank guns (4) will be towed by jeeps or carriers and each gun + trailer will be counted as one vehicle.
2 x 15 cwts per Rifle Company
7 Mortar Carriers & one 15-cwt or 3 tonner 8
13 Bren Carriers 13
2 signal 15-cwts 2
1 Pioneer vehicle
1 Rear Link
4. Anti-tank Guns
1 Ambulance
1 Officers Mess
7. Details for move and route to Assembly Area Cellole will be issued as soon as received from Brigade.
8. TCVs
(a) Twenty TCVs will report to 2 Scots Guards by 2000 hrs D + 1 day.
(b) The following extra vehicles will accompany F Echelon vehicles to Assembly Area Cellole.
One Portee per Anti-tank gun.
One 3 Tonner for carriage and distribution of a hot drink.
One POL vehicle to top up tanks.
Having completed their work they will return independently to Aversa area by same route.
When halted in debussing area, the road will be kept clear of men and vehicles.
(c) Major P. Steuart-Fothringham will bring forward the battalion and will send ahead company guides in one vehicle to meet Provost at…
9. Feeding Arrangements
Reveille 0730
Breakfasts 0815
Dinners 1200
Tea on arrival at debussing area.
10. Rations
48 hours rations will be carried on man and not eaten.
(a)on D + 1 day - also emergency rations.
Normal replenishment and feeding until battalion moves from present area.
(b) Brigade Reserve 3 x 3 Tonners containing one days rations, greatcoats, ammunition and POL will be formed in present area and will move forward with Main Brigade HQ under Battalion Transport Officer.
(c) Rations for consumption 48 - 72 hours after crossing Garigliano will, if possible, be carried forward in cooker vehicles from B Echelon area.
RQMS will be with Brigade Reserve working forward under S.C.
QM will bring up rations from B Echelon.
11. Intercoms
(a) The Brigade will move to HQ 5 Division by 1000 hrs D + 1 and will cross River Garigliano with Brigade O Group. It will set up in area TAC HQ
17 Brigade in Minturno area.
(b) Brigaded B Echelon - HQ Nocaletto 0185.
(c) Wireless silence may be broken at H hour.
(d) List of code words NOT received.
(e) D Day 17 January. H Hour 2100 Hrs.
Signed M.F.B. Brockholes, Captain for
Commanding 2nd Battalion Scots Guards.
Addendum to 2 Scots Guards Operation Instruction No. 1
Recce Groups
Unit recce groups will move independently, consisting of one officer per company and Sergeant Ferguson from Battalion HQ.
Right Flank will provide one PU to lift party - company representatives will report to Right Flank Z-60. They will be at Brigade start point by Z-5 and contact Grenadier Guards recce party.
Time past start point Z-2.
Debussing Area
(a) Recce parties will recce debussing area and traffic circuit - road junction 929909 - road junction 882895 - road junction 880912 - (i) for where troops can debuss (ii) where they should go to, clear of the road to have their Tiffin meal, (iii) where anti-tank guns should dismount, (iv) where F Echelon should wit.
Recce parties meet battalion at road junction 929909. This will also be rendezvous for any orders sent back from Brigade O Group.
Units will clear the debussing area one hour after their head reaches it.
(b) Orders for move from debussing area will be issued later.
Main Body
Order of March
Right Flank - 6 TCVs
Battalion HQ - 2 TCVs
F Company - 6 TCVs
G Company - 6 TCVs
Spare - 2 TCVs
Vehicles as per paragraph 8(b).
Vehicle as per paragraph 6(b)
5 L.F.A.
These vehicles will return to present area by same route.
Forming Up
Battalion will form up as for move to Liratola by 1100 hrs on D+1 day.
They will be embussed by Z+15 and move at Z+20.
Brigade start point road junction 064678.
Route to start point Trentola-Frignaro-Albanova.
Time past start point Z+70.
(probable route to debussing area) - south east - Cancello - Route 7 - road junction 929909.
Vehicles to the mile - 20.
Miles in the hour - 10 (by day and night).
Lieutenant P.G. Atkinson-Clark will report to Brigade HQ by 0900 hrs January 18th to get confirmation of more orders and Z and Y hours.
Ant-Aircraft Protection
As far as possible vehicles will have some form of anti-aircraft protection on the move.
B Echelon
B Echelon will move under Captain J.D. Henderson. Companies will have all their transport remaining behind main body formed up in same place as Main Body by Y hours.
Signed M.F.B. Brockholes, Captain for
Commanding 2nd Battalion Scots Guards.