1st November 1944
Normal routine training.
2nd November 1944
Normal routine training.
3rd November 1944
1100 Divisional commander visited Battalion and presented awards to the following officers and ORs.
The Military Cross – Major J.W. Alington, Captain J. Crowe, Reverand R. Leader (RAchD), Lieutenant R.F. Duthales.
Distinguished Conduct Medal – Lance Sergeant R. Smith.
Military Medal – Corporal R. Shave, Corporal W. Nouse, Lance Corporal L. Newton, Fusilier L. Passingham for gallantry in recent operations.
4th November 1944 – 6th November 1944
Normal routine training.
7th November 1944
Boat training in the sea.
8th November 1944
Boat training in the sea.
9th November 1944
Normal routine training.
10th November 1944
Normal routine training.
11th November 1944
Second-in-command Major Hamilton MC and Intelligence Officer with five ORs leave for forward area.
12th November 1944
Boat training.
13th November 1944
Normal routine training.
14th November 1944
Normal routine training.
2200 Major J.W. Alington MC and six ORs departed on journey for home for 28 days leave under scheme recently announced by War Office.
15th November 1944 – 16th November 1944
Normal routine training.
17th November 1944
Tea Dance held in canteen for all ranks from 1530 to 1830 a great success.
18th November 1944 – 19th November 1944
Normal routine training.
20th November 1944
Companies begin week of intensive patrol training.
21st November 1944
Patrols day and night.
22th November 1944
Patrols day and night.
23rd November 1944
W Company reformed. To be commanded by Captain J. Crowe MC. Second-in-command Captain Lewis.
24th November 1944
1700 COs conference on training. Tea dance all ranks 1530 – 1830 hrs.
25th November 1944
Companies training in morning. Recreation afternoon.
26th November 1944
Officers and NCOs on recce for tomorrow’s scheme.
27th November 1944
1400 Battalion exercise started. Heavy rain all day.
28th November 1944
0300 Battalion exercise ended.
29th November 1944
Routine training. CO spoke to all officers and NCOs on Battalion exercise.
30th November 1944
Officer's dance attended by Brigadier.