1st May 1945 - 1/100,000 64 Rovigo
0830 Hide parties leave for new area.
1600 Main body moves to Dolo 4950.
2nd May 1945 1/100,000 51 Venezia
0030 All in new location. Battalion HQ 494504.
1730 Hide parties leave for new areas.
3rd May 1945 1/100,00 40A Gorizia
1500 Main body leaves for Gorizia.
4th May 1945
0030 All in new location. Battalion HQ 702059.
0915 Commanding Officer to conference at Brigade HQ. Policy: “To encourage the peace without getting involved”.
1430 Ordered to relieve 7 Rifle Brigade in Cormons 5907 and Capriva 6205. Two companies to move as soon as possible.
1515 Commanding Officer goes to Cormons 5907 and contacts 3 Welsh Guards who have already relieved 7 Rifle Brigade.
1/100,000 40 Palma-nova Arrangement made to take over 3 Welsh Guards positions on line of River Ludrio 5609-5506 and prevent Jugoslav infiltration west.
2000 Take over completed. Battalion Tac HQ established at S. Giovanni 5130.
Y company at Medeuzza 5305 and Villanova 5407. Z Company at Visinale 5409, with outposts along River Iudrio. W, X and support Companies remain in Gorizia with echelons.
5th May 1945
0830 Commanding Officer and Intelligence Officer visit Cormons to meet local Jugoslav commander. Relations friendly.
1030 Jugoslav commander from Cormons visit Battalion Tac HQ. Relations still friendly.
1145 Jugoslav vehicles heading for Udine turned back amicably by Z Company.
1200 Advance party to RV 663938. Advance party from 91st US Division on way to take over.
1345 Adjutant 2nd Battalion 361 Infantry Regiment, 91st Infantry Division arrives atTac.
2030 Handover completed.
2300 - 1/100,000 40A Gorizia All in new area. Battalion HQ at Gabbria 6799. Rifle companies at Cotici 6598. Support Company at Devetache 6697.
6th May 1945
0915 Commanding Officers’ conference at Brigade HQ. Brigade to be prepared to hold sector Ranziano 7498 – Brestovizza 7291. 9 Royal Fusiliers area Zigoni 7498.
1800 Commanding Officer to conference at Divisional HQ.
7th May 1945
Company commanders recce potential operational area.
8th May 1945
Normal routine.
9th May 1945
1000 Battalion service of Thanksgiving.
1600 Squadron Commander 14/20 King's Hussars visits Battalion HQ reference use of Kangaroos and tank support for Combine.
10th May 1945
Battalion football match versus 14/20 Hussars.
11th May 1945
2300 Large column of Jugoslav troops passed through battalion area going to Gorizia.
13th May 1945
Rifle companies move to new area owing to water shortage. W and X Companies now at Peci 6700, Y and Z Companies at Ruppa 6800.
1130 Battalion Thanksgiving service for official end of war in Europe.
14th May 1945
Two PoW at Battalion HQ.
15th May 1945
One PoW at Battalion HQ.
16th May 1945
Albuhera Day. Celebrations and dance held at Gabria-Peci area 6700.
17th May 1945
Battalion resting to recover from Albuhera Day.
18th-20th May 1945
Normal training and recreation.
21st May 1945
Prepare to move to area Sutta 7992 and Comeno 8091. Commanding Officer’s recce.
22nd May 1945
1100 Battalion deploys to new area. Battalion HQ 791926. W Company 798936, X Company 794931, Y Company 804920, Z Company 803917, S Company 800930 (Battle Patrol 798919). All quiet.
23rd May 1945
2045 Y Company report 3-400 Jugoslav troops in motor-transport entering Comeno. Attitude aloof.
2125 Brigade HQ order stand to.
2145 Jugoslav commander visits Brigade Commander. Deamnds that British troops should leave area by 0100hrs or communications will be cut. Told to go away and think again. Attitude hostile.
2200 Jugoslavs established area Comeno and W Company.
24th May 1945
0010 Jugoslavs establish roadblock near Brigade area.
0500 Maintenance traffic allowed on roads. Jugoslav ultimatum now expires 1800hrs. Jugoslavs idetfied as 13 Proletarian Brigade, 1 Division.
0845 Commanding Officer to conference at Brigade HQ.
1200 Commanding Officer’s O Group.
1400 S Company move to area 795923
1500 About 500 Jugoslavs move into Comeno-Goriano area.
1800 All quiet.
25th May 1945
Tito’s birthday. Jugoslavs parade continues as Anglo-Slovene dance in Y Company area. Relations friendly.
26th May 1945
27th May 1945
Dance held at Y Company HQ. Large attendance.
1800 Jugoslavs establish roadblock in Y company area.
28th May 1945
1230 Commanding Officer goes to Battalion HQ 1 London Scottish to meet Army Commander. Jugoslav roadblock established in S Company area.
29th May 1945
1500 110 horse drawn wagons and 120 horses left Jugoslav encampment going towards Goriano.
30th 1945 May 1945
Fire breaks out in Sutta village.
2100 Fire put out by use of RASC water tankers. Dance in Sutta.
31st May 1945
Jugoslav roadblocks removed.