1st July 1944
Normal training.
2nd July 1944
Commenced to hand over.
3rd July 1944 - 5th July 1944
Normal training.
6th July 1944
Final preparations for move. Orders for move issues main body. Orders for move issued advance party.
7th July 1944
2005 Battalion emboss and leave Beni Yusef Camp.
2130 Battalion entrain at Giza Station.
8th July 1944
1230 Arrived at Port Said.
1310 Battalion in 156 Transit Camp.
9th July 1944
0930 Battalion on route march band leading.
10th July 1944
1530 Battalion leaves 156 Transit Camp.
1800 Battalion embarks on HMT Brittanic.
11th July 1944
Normal routine on board.
12th July 1944
1130 Sailed from Port Said.
13th July 1944 - 16th July 1944
At sea.
17th July 1944
0640 Docked at Taranto.
0930 Disembarked.
1200 Arrived at Staging Area Dowler Camp No. 6.
18th July 1944
Normal routine and training.
0810 Advance party moves off.
19th July 1944 - 20th July 1944
Normal routine and training.
21st July 1944
Preparations for move.
22nd July 1944
0400 Reveille.
0600 Battalion formed up and marched to Nasisis Station.
0715 Battalion entrained and started on route.
23rd July 1944
1835 Arrived at Monte San Bingo. Hot meal in station.
2230 Battalion moved off in transport to camp.
24th July 1944
0400 Battalion arrived at camp. Battalion HQ 879780.
0900 Reveille. Rest of day preparing camp.
25th July 1944
Training, route marches etc. Day passes to Rome.
26th July 1944 - 29th July 1944
Normal training.
30th July 1944
Battalion reviewed by His Majesty King George VI on Route 5.
31st July 1944
0715 Brigade Signals exercise ‘Battler’. Battalion HQ and signals only.
1200 Exercise finished.