1st April 1944 – At Sea
Normal routine training
2nd April 1944
Arrived at Port Said. Advance party under Lieutenant and Quartermaster Hollings left the ship. ESO came onboard.
3rd – 4th April 1944
Normal training. Courts martial finished.
5th April 1944
0730 Battalion disembarked by lighter; train to El Quassassin. Transport to Camp No. 34, El Tahag.
6th – 9th April 1944
Kit checks and battalion resting.
10th April 1944
Training. Leave to Cairo, 25% at a time. Day pass to Ismailia.
11th – 13th April 1944
Normal routine training.
14th April 1944
1700 Stand to ordered. Battalion at two hours’ notice to move. The Commanding Officer on leave to Cairo. Major J.A. Sperling took over command.
15th April 1944
0630 Battalion still standing to. Roll call at 0630hrs.
16th April 1944
Normal routine training, battalion still standing to.
17th April 1944
2200 Advance party under Captain E.A. Jones MC left for Palestine.
18th April 1944
Commanding Officer returns from leave.
19th April 1944
Stand To Company formed.
20th – 21st April 1944
Normal routine training. Move Admin order.
22nd April 1944
Major J.A. Sperling posted to 8th Battalion Royal Fusiliers.
Issue of khaki drill to battalion.
23rd April 1944
1200 Commanding Officers conference, new advance party warned for move to Beni Yusef.
24th April 1944
0400 Advance party under Captain J.F. Gordon left for new area.
0630 Battalion embuss and leave Tahag for Beni Yusuf 631801 arrived 1200hrs
1800 – 631801 All officers attended conference by Brigadier on present situation.
25th April 1944
Normal routine training.
26th April 1944
1400 Commanding Officer lecture on security to all officers, Warrant Officers and Sergeants.
1645 Commanding Officer talks to battalion on security.
27th April 1944
1030 Stand to practice turn out.
Rear party from Italy rejoins unit.
28th April 1944
1800 Division Commander visited the battalion.
29th April 1944
Depot Company for education. OC Captain J.F. Gordon.
30th April 1944
Normal routine training.